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UWE Digital Media Instagram Redesign - Pordject Weekly Blog Posts

28/10/2022 - 03/11/2022 - Nathan Tilley

During our first week as a group, we focused on 3 things.

With Mason making contact with the Client and establishign a Discord Server for the group, I took to filling out the server. As this would be our main point for communication, information sharing, links and group meetings, I created all the channels that I felt would be relevant to the project. I also Set up a google doc page that would allow the group to all with compile their work in an organized fashion in one location. 

From here I suggested that group meetings should be every Sunday, and so, we had a group meeting on 30/11/2022 in which we compiled notes from our first meeting with Jack and came up with questions to ask the client the following week. I then compiled everyone's notes and writings from the notes discord channel into the group document. 

^Channels set up on Discord^

^Making sure that the team meets that day.^

^Joined team notes that I comped and put into a shared Google Doc for the ^ 

team to add to.

(End Of Weeks Blog Post)

04/11/2022 - 10/11/2022 - Nathan Tilley

During this week we had our first group meeting with the client on 04/11/2022 and a group meeting on the 06/11/2022 to compile the notes from the meeting and to set tasks into categories so everyone had an equal amount to do.

In the meeting with the client, I was due to take notes of the clients answers, questions and anything that I felt was relevant to put into writing. The notes are found bellow:

Tilley’s Notes:

After the meeting, I once again scheduled a team meeting the following Sunday to discuss what was said in the meeting and to get moving, when it came to the research necessary. During this Meeting, after compiling all the notes from the group together, I, with the help of the rest of the team, set up a table in our notes google docs and compiled the necessary questions into categories. Using this method, I felt, that it was the best choice give each team member a category to research on. This would avoid overlap of research and confusion, while making sure we covered all the clients bases when it came to the research. Once done, I used the task channel to re-state the tasks needed to be done by every member of the group. See the table of categories and discord screenshots of assignment of tasks bellow:

^Task categories table^

(End Of Weeks Blog Post)

11/11/2022-17/11/2022 - Nathan Tilley

This week we did not do a lot when it came to group work. Instead we focused on our tasks from the previous week. The research from this week is seen bellow:

Along with the research, we had a group meeting in where we established the final tasks to be done before the next week. These tasks where the outliers that felt they didn't fit into any specific categories and so it was decided that they would instead be given out this week to avoid confusion with the last weeks tasks. See bellow: 

(End Of Weeks Blog Post)

18/11/2022-25/11/2022 - Nathan Tilley

For this week, we had our client meeting on the 20th, and so making sure my research was done was my priority. Bellow is my final research pages (with references found in links page of this Notion Team space under “Digital_Media_Instergram_all_Group_Resarch_From_17.11.2022”, which is a compile of all the research from the group over the last 2 weeks that I created to better organize our work to present):

The Client meeting for this week did not go as planed. The client had felt that they had learned nothing from our research and felt no need for an instagram channel. This of cause was not the desired effect of our research, but I made sure to let the group know that this is to be expected from in client work and not to worry, but, instead, refine their research to bring together for the next meeting. Notes from group meeting, from me, are bellow (which is also in the google docs file along with others) and a screenshot my message I sent to the group:

Notes from 18/11/2022 - Second Meeting with client from 11:30-12:00

I then sent an email to the client. Attached to the email was the combined research document to allow the client read over our research, just in case they felt they may getter picture of our research in writing, just in case we presented the research poorly:

Finally for the week was that I started a Notion Group Blog Post page. This would help us keep track of what we have done and also to hopefully help with planning our individual Blog Posts. 

(End Of Weeks Blog Post)

25/11/2022 - 02/12/2022 - Nathan Tilley

During this week, we meet to establish what can be done to better present our research to the client. As stated the previous week’s screenshot, I came up with the idea of presenting our information into a presentation. This allowed us to unify our work more and in turn, only use what is necessary. A screenshot of me sending this presentation (Finished presentation is located in the files page under “DES Client Meeting 3 02_12_2022 Powerpoint”) into the tasks channel of the discord is seen bellow:

As well as this, we also combined our research into another Document. This was all of our research, and so may be useful to the client to read more in-depth afterword's ( The Document is in the files Page of the Notion TeamSpace named “DES_Resarch_Doc_two_20.11.2022-02.12.2022”).

This week, instead of more research, I felt that I could instead use my time to start to visualize what the Instagram may could look like. This not only allowed the group to start to imagine ideas for the page, but most importantly, help the client better visualize our plan, and as long as the rest of the groups research was convincing, hopefully these mock ups would convince the client that keeping the Instagram was indeed the best course of action. So using the content that was already on the Instagram, I got to work at creating the mock ups:

After the client meeting on 02/12/2022, the client was much more impressed with our work and was positive that this was in fact the right direction to go in, meaning our goal to sell the idea of the Instagram page back to them was successful. Notes from the meeting are seen bellow:

Notes from 02/12/2022 - Thriller Client Meeting form 11:30-12:00


(End Of Weeks Blog Post)

Month Of January

Moving Forward, there is a lot of work that has been done and needs to be completed, and so, it is becoming hard to correctly split it into weekly blog posts. To counter act this, I have decided to change from weekly blog posts to monthly summaries.

So, after the Christmas brake, I contacted the team to get together as soon as possible:

The need to have a meeting was due to the assessed presentation that would be taken place on the 20th Jan 2023. This Presentation would be presented for out client, along with the modules (Design Enterprise Studio) tutors.

So after a meeting with in which we discussed what we had done, and what needed to be completed, we then went ahead and called for a meeting with the client themselfs. The perpous of this meeting was to help us establish any last questions that they had so that we could address them in the coming presentation. Powerpiont and notes from this meeting are bellow:

Client Meeting from Jan 2023 content

Powerpoint - Made and formed by Meyrick Tilley:

Notes and feedback from meeting with client - Complied by Meyrick Tilley:

Questions and tasks from for Client (given below as tasks for the individual group members to complete): 


- Does Meta's Creator Studio allow Automation of posts?

- look more into combine Scheduler

- How do Instagram stories Work?


- Email Mic for UWE Instagram Logos and colour hex codes

- Email Simon I look for, list of module leaders

- Email said Module Leaders


- Presets + templates

- Post Gathering (captions, #'s, Fonts, etc.)

Future Group Tasks:

- Step-by-Step Figma prototype

Other notes from meeting:

- Client wants the Page theme as neutral as possible due to the fact we can not use the Digital Media Colours

Moving Forward, it came to gathering all the work we had done, compleated what was left and compile it into a full presestaiton for the 20th Jan. Bellow is the final presentation slides and work with each slide tagged with it's creator:

Presentation slides for marked assignment on 20/01/23 - Presentation was fully compiled & neatened out by Meyrick Tilley

Page 1

Read by: Tilley

Graphics by: Tilley - Phone Graphic

Text by: Tilley


Page 2

Read by: Tilley

Graphics by: n/a

Text by: Tilley


Page 3

Read by: Jeffrey

Graphics by: n/a

Text by: Tilley


Page 4

Read by: Mason

Graphics by: Tilley - Icons

Text by: Tilley


Page 5

Read by: Mason

Graphics by: n/a

Text by: Tilley


Page 6

Read by: Mason

Graphics by: Mason - Screenshots

Text by: Mason


Page 7

Read by: Mason

Graphics by: Mason - Screenshots

Text by: Mason


Page 8

Read by: Tilley

Graphics by: Tilley - Screenshots

Text by: Tilley


Page 9

Read by :Jeffrey

Graphics by: n/a

Text by: Tilley


Page 10

Read by: Jeffrey

Graphics by: Jeffrey - Screenshots

Text by: Jeffrey (edited by Tilley)


Page 11

Read by: Jeffrey

Graphics by: Jeffrey - Screenshots

Text by: Jeffrey (edited by Tilley)


Page 12

Read by: Mason

Graphics by: Mason - Screenshots

Text by: Mason


Page 13

Read by: Mason

Graphics by: Tilley - Icons

Text by: Mason


Page 14

Read by: Jeffrey

Graphics by: Jeffrey - Screenshots

Text by: Jeffrey (edited by Tilley)


Page 15

Read by: Tilley

Graphics by: Tilley - Claimed the linktree profile under the name of the course

Tilley - Screenshot of Student Photoshop Guidance Template draft created in photoshop

Tilley - Screenshot of folder structure

Text by: Tilley


Page 16

Read by: Tilley

Graphics by: n/a

Text by: n/a


Page 17

Read by: Jeffrey

Graphics by: Jeffrey - Screenshot

Text by: Jeffrey (edited by Tilley)


Page 18

Read by: Jeffrey

Graphics by: Jeffrey - Screenshots

Text by: Jeffrey (edited by Tilley)


Page 19

Read by: Jeffrey

Graphics by: Jeffrey - Screenshots

Text by: Jeffrey (edited by Tilley)


Page 20

Read by: Tilley

Graphics by: n/a

Text by: n/a


Page 21

Read by: Tilley

Graphics by: Tilley - Compiling all UWE Marketing Team Profile Mictures

Tilley - Photoshop graphic used to find out the exact colour codes of a Digital Media Course Poster

Tilley - Screenshot of putting said colours into the Adobe Colour Wheels to find complimentary colours to create a theme for the Instagram page

Text by: Tilley


Page 22

Read by: Mason

Graphics by: Mason - Screenshot

Text by: Mason


Page 23

Read by: Mason

Graphics by: Mason - Screenshot

Text by: Mason


Page 24

Read by: Tilley

Graphics by: Tilley - Icons

Text by: Tilley


Page 25

Read by: Tilley

Graphics by: Tilley - Photoshop made mockups

Text by: Tilley

Page 26

Read by: Tilley

Graphics by: Tilley - lightroom made mockups

Text by: Tilley


Page 27

Read by: Tilley

Graphics by: Tilley - Fully functioning instagram page prototype following the user journey of:

Main Instagram Page > Click onto UWE Digital Media Profile Icon > Clicking onto the story highlight "coding" > Clicking the screen to navigate to the next story > Clicking onto the post embedded onto the story > Scrolling through the post > clicking back onto the Digital Media profile picture

The graphics in the prototype , from logos and icons to other accounts and the insagram UI, was created by Meyrick Tilley 

Link to Prototype: Figma Prototype here!


Page 28

Read by: Mason

Graphics by: Tilley -  Calendar Graphic

Text by: Tilley


Page 29

Read by: Mason

Graphics by: n/a

Text by: Tilley


Page 30

Read by: Tilley

Graphics by: n/a

Text by: Tilley - Resources compiled by Meyrick Tilley

Feedback from client:

Jeffery: Look at different colour schemes that can be used as a theme for the Instagram Page (module colours). As we no longer have to be so strict regarding colour, this should open the door to more visually pleasing choices. However, we still need to use one of the seven logos given to us by the university, so picking colours that match one of these logos will unify the theme throughout (e.g. pastel logo will go with other pastel colours without needing to be precisely matched.) Email and contact Tutors and Students to gather more assets. (A structure to follow for these emails, along with consent forms, will be given to you within the next few days. The colours are the priority for now, as we should be getting some assets over the next week.)

 Mason/Tilley: Keep working on the templates (Reels and story for Mason, and Posts and Template instructions for Tilley.) We will meet to merge the different templates under a unified style, along with the colours from Jeffery and the draft Icons from Tilley. 

(End Of Month Blog Post)

Month Of Febuary

The month of January was all about refining and creating. Using the feedback from the client and tutors, from the client presentation the month before, we first started with a new colour scheme that the client would be happy with.

Our original colour scheme;

was created under the instructions of the client to try and incorporate at least one of the UWE Digital Media colours, form the DM colour scheme, with one of the 6 logos that we had to use, given to us by the UWE Marketing team.

After the the meeting however, the client seceded that trying to force a colour into the allready very limitted colour options, while worked, may not be the best approch moving forward. The client then gave us free rain with any colours of our choosing.

As the original scheme that we can up with was dark, gray and bit to corptarte, I can up with the idea of using a pastel colour scheme. This would allow us to keep the profeshinal and miniumal look of the redesign (say in the graphics), but would give it that much needed bit of creativitiy and charicter. The notebook sketching of the idea, that was then sent tho the group, is below:

From here, I then started to refine the colour scheme, again using the Adobe Colour Wheel and UWE Marketing given logos, as well as refining the logo icons for the story highlights feature on Instagram. 

Communicating with the client, we came to the decision that there should only be a maximum of 5 story highlights. These would include the three core subjects of the degree, along with an events and info. 

When it came with to the logos, I designed at least one per subject, with an icon that resembles the subject, these where:

Coding (Subject)

Design (Subject)

Media Production (Subject)



With these graphcis, I then put them togther with the two diffrent possible colour schemes, one wiich followed atleast one of the UWE Digital Media colours and one that consited of a lighter shade of pastels. Using the story tempalte that Mason made, we put them all togther and sent it to the client so they could decided with one they liked best:

The Client choose the plain logos with the UWE colour scheme:

Now that the colour scheme and logo design was finalsied, all we had to do was then to combine them together. These where the final designs:

Finally for the month, I then finalazed the post template that I drafted up for the previous months presentation, along with a step by step guide for the client/student to use:

(End Of Month Blog Post)