The Day After (2023) - Short Film

Film Synopsis: When Issac becomes 'too comfortable' with the mundane repetitiveness of his daily life, it comes as a core-rattling shock when, evidently, life decides to no play fair. Issac must try to keep a level head on a day which may just turn out to be the very thing he needed.


Non-Profit University Short Film By Nathan "Meyrick Tilley"

Directed by Nathan "Meyrick Tilley"

Written by and Starring Michael Allam

Camera Operator: Nathan "Meyrick Tilley"

Editor/Colourist: Nathan "Meyrick Tilley"


Protagonist: Michael Allam

Walking Women: Caitlin Traylor

All music used in the film has been under fair use and is not monetized.

Created for the University of South England

Brought To You By "who am i?" and "Heart House Media" 

The Day After (2023) - Trailer