The short film "The Day After" - Created by Meyrick Tilley in collaboration with Heart House Media
An ironically overly-artistic and dramatic film, based upon one of the harsh reality's of the modern world.
Inventions To SAVE The Planet (2021)
A University of the West of England, Digital media course, year two assignment in which we were tasked to create a 2D animation about an impactful topic.
This short animation goes over two different scientific creations that could help the planet in some way.
Created by Meyrick Tilley
Voiceover from Caitto Rose
"Oliver" (2017)
Oliver, the most socially awkward teenager in the existence of man, revels the most terrifying truth. He is in love.
Short Film made in the first year of Bridgend Collage. The short was created as if Oliver had created it himself for his YouTube Channel.
Starring Dylan Morgan and Rhian Lister.
Director: Dylan Morgan
Producer: Caitlin Traylor
Camera Operator: Nathan Tilley
Sound Operator: Daniel Ralph